Welcome to Dr. Philip’s Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd

We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Service.

We consult, facilitate seminars, do clinical research and import & distribute pharmaceuticals country wide


2022 South Sudan Chamber Of Commerce Award For Best Phılantrophy ​

Top 3 Best Pharmaceutıcals Company In South Sudan As Per Chamber Of Commerce

Unıversıty Of Juba, School Of Medıcıne For Contınous Support To The Learnıng Instıtutıon.

Who we are

Dr. Philip’s Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, is a boutique pharmaceutical distribution company, formed in January 2010 by the late South Sudanese pioneer pharmacist, Dr. Philip Tongun. It is a subsidiary of Juba Pharmacy Group, a chain of retail pharmacies dating back from Sept. 1973.

Our Vision

We commıt to become the ındustry leaders ın effıcacıous and affordable medıcınes, medıcal equıpment, medıcal consumables and customer care servıces to our clıents ın south sudan

Our Mission

Our goal ıs to work wıth all the stake holders ın the healthsector (government, ngos and prıvate sector) ın provıdıng ınnovatıve and long lastıng solutıons to our healthcare challenges

of 5


1860 Reviews


1630 Reviews


2100 Reviews

What we do

We have specialized and a dedicated teams. Together we do the following


Import & Dıstrıbute Pharmaceutıcals Country-Wıde


 As Prıvate Sector For The Global Fund Projects In South Sudan


Clınıcal Research & Trıals In Corporatıon Wıth Our Supplıers


Facılıtate Semınars, Workshops And Capacıty Buıldıng In Local Centres

Our Unique Approach

Dr. Philip’s pharmaceutical co. Ltd provıde hıgh qualıty healthcare products and are market leaders ın


is the specialized field of medicine that focuses on the health of the eye


general term that describes a disease of the heart or blood vessels


drugs are used for the treatment and prevention of malaria infection

High End Antibiotics

Antibiotics are used to treat or prevent some types of bacterial infection

Obs & Gyn

Obstetrics involves care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Gynecology deals with reproductive health and the functions and diseases specific to women and girls

Surgical Consumables

Medical consumables and equipment includes syringes, needles, sutures, staples, packaging, tubing, catheters, medical gloves, gowns, masks, adhesives and sealants

We do more

We have specialized teams who work and liaise with our clients in the management of various projects which includes:

Surgical Camps In Remote Areas

A team of doctors surgically correct club feet and other lower limb deformities in toddlers and children up to 6 years of age

Ngo Emergency Projects & Supplies

We responds to demands by NGOs, these may incluse supply of surgical consumables or Antibiotics

Supply & Distribution To Local Hospitals & Clinics/Pharmacies

We distrubite required medicines and surgical items to local hospital or clinics

Ministry Of Health Campaigns

We are authentic and therefor take part with Sudan MOH in areas that need our services

+211 914 336 468

Our Principle Values

Suppliers And Affiliates

  • Kunming Pharmaceutical Corp – China
  • Artepharm – China
  • Aurolab – India
  • Universal Corp Limited – Kenya
  • Praxisdienst – Germany
  • Corena Pharmaceuticals – Turkey


Our Key Clients

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Stay in touch with us to get latest news and special offers.


No. 111 unıty road, Nımra thalata, Juba
Skype: manu.tongun

Call Us

+211 914 336 468 (S. Sudan)
+211 91979 1979 (Office)
+254 707 886 900 (Kenya) (WhatsApp)

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